September 26th Court
for Judge Tisinger has been CANCELLED due to inclement weather!!
Jury Information
The Clerk of Superior Court has established a Jury Liaison Officer (JLO) to assist in the process of jury selection, deferrals and excuses. The JLO for Carroll County is Catherine Huckeba. This is the jurors ONLY contact prior to the day of appearance. You may contact her by phone, fax, mail or email. You may email her at boe.jury@gmail.com or jury@carrollcountyga.gov with your questions or legal excuse information and legal excuse affidavits or by clicking on her name on this page. You may also fax any legal excuse information or affidavits to 770-214-3584; Attention: Catherine. There is a message line to call with voice mail requests for legal excuses and deferrals. The phone number is 678-390-6257. Please review the legal excuses below. If you legitimately fall under one of the categories list, you will be either excused or deferred to a later date. DO NOT leave multiple messages OR emails!!(Multiple messages will not assure a call back any faster and they flood the line with unnecessary messages!!!) Please be advised that at any given time we have numerous jury pools selected and the message line may be backed up with incoming messages. The Jury Liaison Officer will listen to and manually record your requests for legal excuses or deferrals each day. Legal excuses will be excused and WILL NOT receive a call back. Legal excuses are listed below. If you fall under one of the legal excuses and you have satisfied the requirements, you will be excused!!!! Non legal excuses or questionable excuses will receive further instruction. Due to the number of jurors being summoned, written confirmations for legal excuses will not be issued.
Please keep in mind that the Jury Liaison Officer has other duties within the Clerk's office and is extremely busy. Your calls will be returned based on importance and as time permits. If they are not returned, you will need to report for jury duty!
The following affidavits are provided for your convenience. Please read the descriptions below the links to be sure they apply to you. They can be downloaded, filled out, then returned to our office as attachments in an email to Catherine, or a faxed at the number given above.****Please see notice at the bottom****
CHILD CARE AFFIDAVIT (only for SINGLE parents - not for grandparents who are babysitting)
The following is a list of legal excuses. These excuses must be accompanied by proof! Without written or documented proof, they will not be considered legal excuses!
1- NON-RESIDENT OF CARROLL COUNTY (Non-resident must provide driver's license with new address or a copy of a bill which includes juror's name and new address.)2- MENTALLY or PHYSICALLY DISABLED (A doctor's note is required prior to summoned date or an Affidavit from the list above signed by patient's doctor.)3- FULL TIME STUDENT (Class schedule must be provided prior to summoned date. Undergraduate students must be taking 12 hours to be considered full time. Graduate students must be taking 9 credit hours to be considered full time.) 4- MEDICAL EXCUSE (Doctor's note is required prior to summoned date.)5- OVER 70 (It is not mandatory to serve on jury. An over 70 AFFIDAVIT will need to be completed from the list above.)6- ACTIVE MILITARY (It is not mandatory to serve on jury. Affidavit <provided above> is required but juror must be on on active duty.)7- VACATION PLANS (Travel itinerary or proof of tickets purchased is required in order to defer to a future date. This must be received prior to summoned date.)8- SINGLE/UNMARRIED PARENTS w/ CHILDREN 6 & UNDER (A Childcare Affidavit must be filled out and turned in from the list above. This affidavit applies only to single parents (if you are married, this affidavit DOES NOT apply to you). It DOES NOT apply to married couples with children.)9. CAREGIVER for DISABLED PERSON OVER 6 YEARS OF AGE (An Affidavit from the list above must be completed and signed by patient's doctor.)10. HOME SCHOOL PARENT (An Affidavit must be completed and a copy of the Letter of Intent from the State must be turned in. All Home school Parents are required by Georgia Law to report to the state intent to home school a child. Without Letter Of Intent from the state, it is not a legal excuse.)